Knowledge Zone BIOGO

Can food be great? A few notes on superfoods

Biogo Biogo 0 comments

"Superfood" or in English Superfoods , is a word that has been repeated so much lately that it has almost lost all real meaning. Assuming, of course, that meaning ever existed, because there really isn't a precise definition of what...
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Superfoods or healthy food from your kitchen

Biogo Biogo 0 comments

Fashion for a healthy lifestyle, superfoods and organic products are developing very quickly lately. It's sometimes hard to keep up with her. If you think you're missing out by not eating oatmeal with chia seeds and hemp milk...
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Meet closer to tropical acai

Biogo Biogo 0 comments

Fruit palms Brazilian accepted in Poland under the name "berry acai". This fruit's appearance most closely resembles blueberry in Americans, and its taste compares to combining berry with bitter chocolate. fruit acai originate from palm trees of tropical Amazon forests...
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